2023 Lunar Calendar


\\\\ 10th Anniversary 2023 Lunar Calendar \\\\

This year's looping design was inspired by the trajectory of the moon. As it encircles the earth on its nightly path, the moon creates ripples of life on earth--guiding bird migrations, inciting the mass spawning of corals, and generating vast oceanic tides. And what pulls and shifts do these lunar movements create in us? With water, air, and matter flowing through our veins, we too are bodies in motion.

Use this Lunar Calendar to set intentions / stay in touch with the shifting seasons / plan the growing of crops. You can use the calendar to follow the date & astrological phase of each full and new moon during 2023, as well as important meteor showers and solstices. All dates and times are based on Central Standard Time and made for the Northern Hemisphere.

This calendar is 20 x 20" and drawn by me, V Adams. They are screen-printed in two colors--charcoal grey black and rich champagne gold--on heavyweight cream paper by Head Light Press!


How to use the calendar:

1) The full moons (big golden circles) and new moons (black circles with golden rims) loop in big arcs around the full moon. The date of each full moon and new moon is written in the center of its circle, with its associated astrological sign. These dates can be read like numbers on the clock--beginning around "noon"and progressing clockwise throughout the year.

2) In the bottom left of the print is a key for astrological symbols and signs, and on the bottom right the dates of important astronomical events are listed.

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