Top Surgery Fundraiser Print!
I got top surgery Nov 25. My skilled but chaotic surgeon gave me two weeks notice to prepare for surgery. This is something I've wanted for several years and I am very excited and grateful to get this surgery done. The funds raised from the sale of the poster will support my recovery and healing time away from work in December and January.
These posters are sliding scale $35 - $55 <3
I printed these three color screen printed posters with the help of several friends and loved ones. They are full of trans plants. Winding through the print are plants who produce hormones that mirror our own— lily flowers, ginkgo leaves and pine boughs who create phyto estrogens and testosterones—-and plants who mystify scientists by changing sex---such as juniper, whose boughs can shift from cones to berries. With sexy anthuriums and jack in the pulpit, this print is a celebration of expansiveness found in the more-than-human botanical world.
While working on the drawing for this print, I was thinking about the world I want to see---a world of bodily autonomy. A world of free abortions, legal injection sites, decriminalized sex work, free health care, and autonomy and support for people with disabilities. A world where people can do with their bodies what they please. The fight for gender affirming care is interwoven with all of these. I started this design months ago and these desires and thoughts feel more crucial than ever!
If you're local and picking up, use code PICKUPSNOLA to avoid paying for shipping.
I'm just one person and in graduate school. Please expect shipping to take 2-3 weeks. If you need expedited shipping send me an email to pay for Priority Shipments.